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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Anxiety... emotional distress... !!

These emotions might seem familiar to you, if you have written CAT this year. With a flawed education system testing our patience to the limits there is only one other thing that can go wrong. Our results can be completely messed up... Will my scores be good enough... Well i don't care... I just want my results so i can get on with my life!! to wait 3 months for a computerized test result!! ugh!!
the reason we had this exam as a CBT was to minimize labour and make sure the system is not time consuming!!! oh the irony!!!
XAT results came out in 2 weeks and this was a paper pencil test attended by 1 Lakh students this year. Why is that the IIM's have no clue as to when the results will be out? I did not think anxiety could kill a person but if this goes on any longer i think it just might...

This years CAT marred with imperfections and glitches at every stage is by far a students worst nightmare. I really wish we could sue them for emotional distress... but since thats not possible im gonna settle for some good old fashioned ranting :)
well im done i think... will keep u guys posted on the progress if any.... MICAT is next... where i expect i'll have my behind handed to me on a platter...

cheers mate!!

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