Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part1)
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
An absolute ripper - HP7 part one
Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part1)
Monday, May 17, 2010
As predictable as they come....
CAST: Jenifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin
Zoe (J Lo) is tried of waiting for Mr. Right, so she takes matters into her own hands and decides she’s going to have a baby. She takes the non-traditional route to get pregnant, but as luck would have it, she then meets the man of her dreams, Stan (Alex O’Loughlin). This puts her in a precarious position because she’s going out with Stan, while she’s pregnant with another man’s child!! Her Plan B seems to have backfired and she finds herself living her life in reverse. She thought she had it all mapped out, but she’s about to realize you can’t always get what you want.
Scream out loud:
Alan Poul’s (Director) movie saunters along as if all concerned had decided that imagination and flair were either unnecessary or impossible. The story itself is uninspired and that puts you off from the word go. The performances in the movie fall well below average and prove to be a huge disappointment. The screaming women in labour are not a pretty sight and the makers are delusional, if they think that’s funny. The movie keeps throwing one cliché after another and it gets to a point where you think, ‘enough is enough’. And how is that the owner of a pet shop (Zoe) can afford designer clothes??? It’s almost as if logic and humour have taken a holiday. The single mothers group is another unnecessary distraction and makes a root canal seem like a walk in the park. There were scenes in the playground with Anthony Anderson, which truly are the only saving grace in this movie, as it somehow manages to make you laugh. The adorable dog in the ‘wheelchair’ pretty much steals the show, with its wicked charm begging for scraps under the table.
This movie is Funny’s very distant cousin, ‘Not Funny’.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
date night review
Phil and Claire Foster (Steve Carell and Tina Fey), a couple who have been married for several years seem to be caught in a rut. So Phil decides to spice things up, by taking his wife to a swanky new restaurant in the city. But the restaurant is full and so they impulsively jump on the opportunity, to steal someone else’s reservation. This leads to a case of mistaken identity and the couple soon find themselves in a lot more trouble than they bargained for. With angry mobsters and dirty cops chasing them, they try to find a way to get out of the huge mess, by getting the flash drive the villains believe they possess. Will they be in one piece at the end of date night? Let’s hope so.
Tickles your funny bone:
This is an action packed Romantic-comedy, so it’s guaranteed that the men will not fall asleep half way through the movie. It’s exhilarating to watch the car chase that features a very sleek silver Audi. Part of the fun resides in seeing how an ordinary couple can outsmart villains while being chased around
This movie is funny, engaging and interesting and certainly worth a watch.
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sometimes in our lives we all have painWe all have sorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
Please swallow your pride
Lean on me, when you're not strong
If there is a load you have to bear
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
Lean on me when you're not strong
Saturday, May 1, 2010
movie review- how to train your dragon

This movie is based on a novel by Cressida Cowell and comes from the studio that brought you some of the best animated films like “Shrek,” “Madagascar” and “Kung Fu Panda”. The story revolves around Hiccup (Jay Baruchel), a gangly out-of-place kid in a town full of burly, king-sized Vikings. His father Stoick (Gerard Butler) is naturally disappointed, at not having a son who will follow in his footsteps, as the next best dragon slayer. Amidst all the chaos that surrounds the village, Hiccup befriends one of the most dangerous dragons, Night Fury after saving its life. Hiccup’s world is turned upside down when he encounters a dragon that challenges him and his fellow Vikings to see the world from an entirely different point of view. He uncovers certain secrets about the dragons, which threaten the very existence of his village. With so many lives hanging in the balance, Hiccup must rise to the occasion and find a way to make it all right.
Beauty and the beast:
If you think you’ve seen it all in Harry potter and Avatar, then wait till you see the dragons in action in ‘how to train your dragon’. This movie works on so many levels, I do not know where to begin. All aspects of the movie right from casting. Script, direction, animation and dialogue is spot on! This is a movie that will speak to audiences of all ages and that is something rare and special. This ones a keeper for sure!! This movie will remind you much of Avatar at times as the visual likeness is hard to miss. This movie manages to captivate the audience with the right mix of action, heartfelt emotion, drama and romance. It manages to be unpredictable, believable and exhilarating all at the same time.
Gerard Butler makes a menacing, proud, burly Viking look like a piece of cake. The cute Irish accent is just icing:). Jay Baruchel’s voice brings to life the character of Hiccup and makes him instantly likable. It gave me a jolt to see Snoutlout a character in the movie to bear an uncanny resemblance to Jack Black !! wat was that about??
In the words of captain hadoock “Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles”, what a ride!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
sports for ALL!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
the bounty hunter - review
CAST: Jenifer Aniston, Gerard Butler
The movie is directed by Andy Tennant who is well-known for some truly wonderful movies like Hitch and
Little high and too low!
One would have high expectations because the cast and crew are known to be some of the best in the business. The only positives that are evident in the movie is Jenifer Aniston’s hot body that will make you want to eat your heart out and Gerard Butlers cute smile. The movie suffers mainly because the script is just pain horrible. There can be no other word to describe this disaster. Frankly, I love Aniston and
Siobhan Fallon Hogan as Teresa the bondsman's secretary, seem to the only one who could muster up a good performance. Overall a bad script, bad acting, bad comedy, no romance, bad action sequences, some clichéd scenes all add up to a truly atrocious movie that is not worth your time,money or energy. Lots of hammy faces, hollow jokes and property damage make this movie a truly regrettable experience.
Watch it at your own risk. If you blow your brains out afterward atleast I can say ‘I told you so’.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
IT's Complicated Movie review
MOVIE: It’s Complicated
CAST: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin
This Romantic-comedy was written and directed by Nancy Meyers, known for films such as The Holiday, Something’s Gotta Give, and Father of the Bride. The movie revolves around Jane (Meryl Streep) and Jake (Alec Baldwin) who have been divorced for a decade, but have learned to get along. Seems simple enough, but not for long as a steamy night between the two leads to a totally different kind of hangover! Jake is married to a woman half his age and Jane now finds herself being the other woman. Though her conscience plagues her, Jane cannot think past Jake and finds herself with conflicting emotions. But things get even more interesting when Adam (Steve Martin) enters the scene, unwittingly forming a love triangle.
Get high & low:
Jane owns a successful bakery and the onslaught of all the pastries and food is cause for all kinds of cravings. But this movie is not for the faint hearted, as seeing Alec Baldwin without clothes takes some serious courage. The cast with the exception of
Age is just a number:
Anyone other than Meryl would have come off as tacky and cheap, but she looks fabulous and her acting almost flawless. And this comes as no surprise, has she ever done a bad movie?? If you’re a fan of 30 Rock, then you’ll definitely love Alec in this one, as he's blossomed into a terrific comic actor, a wickedly self-mocking satyr. Jake and Adam are hooked onto Jane, Who win finally win her over?
An entertaining and fun ride which gives us a chance to escape into a world where everything is beautiful, even advancing middle age.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
CAST: Sandra Bullock, Tim Mcgraw, Quinton Aaron, Kathy Bates
The blind side is a true story which has been taken brilliantly by director John Lee Hancock. The story revolves around Micheal Oher a.k.a. Big Mike, a homeless African –American who has a troubled past filled with abuse and abandonment. Lady luck smiles on him and he finds himself admitted into a private school for his athletic potential. But his odd predicament pulls at Leigh Ann Touhy’s (Sandra Bullock) heart strings and so she takes him under her wing.
Highs and lows:
The fact that Leigh Ann’s children seem welcoming to Micheal’s arrival seems a bit unrealistic because even the most well- behaved children will feel a twinge of jealousy and resentment. SJ forms a brotherly bond with Micheal and the formers performance is commendable, as his quirky and endearing nature puts a smile on your face. Sandra Bullock’s Oscar for Best Actor was justly deserved, as she shines in her role as a bossy, pragmatic but loving mother. She tries throughout the movie to keep her emotions at bay and this struggle adds to the allure of her character. Micheal’s stay at the Touhy’s changes their lives and Leigh Ann takes it upon herself to secure his future. The hardships he faces while playing football and how even his teachers try to bring out the best in him are some of the most heart warming moments in the movie.
Refreshing Change:
The underdog theme has never gone wrong with the audience because against our better judgment, we tend to root for them. This movie is not, just another sports-drama. It gives one such a wonderful insight into the characters you cannot help but be inspired and moved by them. Will Micheal succeed?? or will he let his troubled past get the better of him?? Watch and find out!
Bottomline: There are just two reasons why this movie is a must watch
1. Heart – wrenching sports-drama moments
2. Sandra Bullock
Thursday, February 25, 2010
global warming ... fancy phrase .. or reality?
Anxiety... emotional distress... !!
Friday, February 19, 2010
I for one have not gotten even one call from any decent B-school
who cares if i was crazy enuf to give up a job at world bank and take this up...I say to myself what wer you thinking? But somehow it seems like this will be the end of time as we know it... for me its make or break...
how many of us can pick ourselves up when we fall?
I admit im quite heavy... i need help... to be pulled up... from this miserable well iv fallen into...
I do not want to settle for a univ that is second best... im better than that... im capable of doing well...
but what is the cause for all this frustration... i'll finally get to the point guys...
it's because we have a flawed education system that *!!!
its impractical and absolutely absurd to say that a guy who has got 99.99 is better than a guy who has gotten 99.98!!! i mean come on!! How can you just crush someones dreams based on a few points!! it's absurd....
take me for example!! iv got just 71% in xat... does this mean im not a good student??!!
NO!! infact i'd go as far as to say im better than most of people doing an MBA in a decent institute.
I was born to do this... i have the skill set ... the profile... everything... but that has no relevance what so ever.... u'd think they wud take a page from the movie 3 idiots... But the Indian education system is forever flawed and we as students are not helping... there have been no protests... or crimes of passion!!! I mean someone get the shiv sena to say sumthing on this issue gud or bad !! we really do need the publicity!! because these days its the only thing that counts as newsworthy!! Why is that the ones who really deserve something don't end up getting what they want? Is this the way fate works... cruel twists and turns... unexpected ... unwanted... Why is it that justice and true fairness in the system can never be ensured?... why is it that good candidates miss out because of a conceptually broken system ?? It is infuriating. Scores are essential parameter to judge a students potential... one cannot deny that... but to using that as the only parameter to shortlist... not looking at the profile of worthy candidates... I believe robs the nation of its chance to produce some top notch business minds and entrepreneurs.Why are we still a developing nation... it is because we refuse to correct a flawed system??!!! I'd say absolutely!!
PS: this is me ranting i need this... so lol... im sry for this pointless post... but i needed to vent and this helped...
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sherlock holmes the review!!

Where do I start? Should I talk about the sheer brilliance of Director Guy Ritchie ? Or should I talk about the mind blowing performances of Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes) and Jude Law (Watson)? I think there is nothing that Rober Downey Jr. cannot do. He made an absolutely lovable super hero in Iron man and his incredibly funny 'black guy' act in Tropic thunder is unforgettable. But with Sherlock Holmes (SH) he scales new heights and exceeds your expectations, which i might add is quite rare in movies these days. What makes this movie different is that it is not a play by play of the SH portrayed in Sir Authur Conan Doyal's books. He is not just the rude, arrogant, resourceful and brilliant man you see in the books but a whole lot more. The SH in this movie is more physical, witty, endearing, whimsical, adorable and funny. Jude Law as Watson, is supposed to be SH sidekick and he appears to be anything but. His role really stands out due to his exceptional performance and it was exhilarating to watch the dynamic duo of Watson and SH. His relationship with Holmes in this movie is more personal and almost brotherly which is a nice touch by Director Guy Ritchie.