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Thursday, October 29, 2009

REVIEW OF DAN BROWNS THE LOST SYMBOL .....HEADLINES TODAY : DAN BROWN arrested for numbing the mind of a million people.

Let me tell you my friends, ignorance is bliss. This is true in case you are planning to read the 509 page long epic mistake titled 'THE LOST SYMBOL' by DAN BROWN(DB). If you have already read Brown and enjoyed his previous books namely 'Angels and demons, Digital fortress and the Da Vinci code'
, you will probably be horrified by The Lost Symbol. Robert Langdon's third adventure is another fast paced thriller that involves secrets in art, architecture and history. Brown does not break any new ground, but he does provide some good beach reading because you can fall asleep anytime and get a nice tan in the process. Though the book picks up after 20 or so pages, you will find that the book dulls its pace in all the wrong moments. Be it the overly descriptive nature of DB's writing or the unnecessary two page explanation for every word or symbol, you will soon discover that you have wasted your time, energy and money on a lousy book.

Robert's dear friend and mentor Peter Solomon has been kidnapped and to save him he must now decipher the code on the pyramid which would reveal information about 'the Ancient Mysteries'. Soon the CIA are involved and the director insists that solving the pyramid's code is a matter of national security (SHOCK). As you would have guessed by now there has to be a female accompanying Langdon.. what story is complete without a female lead? It's none other than Katherine Solomon , Peter's sister a brilliant scientist whose research proves that the human soul is quantifiable. For some odd reason the villain is threatened by her research. So he does what villains do best, destroys it and tries to kill her. After a narrow escape from death, she unites finally with our FEARLESS HERO (he's claustrophobic wink*wink*). Ironically, this is the unsolved mystery in the book, for one cannot figure out till the end why the villain chose to destroy her research, as it is of no consequence to him.

There are parts in the book that really lack logic. It's baffling, the CIA in the climax concentrate on waiting for the villain to turn up at location for 40 min before calling it quits. When they receive no word from their agent who has accompanied Langdon and Katherin to an unknown location they don't even seem to be the least bit worried. But miraculously after 40 min they seem to care about Langdon and track the GPS on the car. One would think an agency with such power would have more common sense. It reminded me of those tacky Tamil movies where the cops would show up after everything was over!!!! Has the CIA not heard of Multi tasking????

The most excruciating part is, when your willing for the book to end, DB gives you a 3 page explanation on oxygen deprivation tanks and torture techniques. Its astonishingly long so don't be fooled by the font.. just the sheer volume will drive you crazy. Even the solving of the clues is not all that intelligent. The ultimate revelation of what the anticent mysteries is all about falls flat and adds to the agony of reading a disappointing book.
It starts off on a positive note giving the reader hope that this is going to be a thriller like none other. But one soon realizes that what started out as a dream has turned into a perfect nightmare.


Idea Mani said...

haha..mustve really wasted your time..

Jay R said...

Looks like you love reading BS )

AMRITHA!~! said...
