Where do I start? Should I talk about the sheer brilliance of Director Guy Ritchie ? Or should I talk about the mind blowing performances of Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes) and Jude Law (Watson)? I think there is nothing that Rober Downey Jr. cannot do. He made an absolutely lovable super hero in Iron man and his incredibly funny 'black guy' act in Tropic thunder is unforgettable. But with Sherlock Holmes (SH) he scales new heights and exceeds your expectations, which i might add is quite rare in movies these days. What makes this movie different is that it is not a play by play of the SH portrayed in Sir Authur Conan Doyal's books. He is not just the rude, arrogant, resourceful and brilliant man you see in the books but a whole lot more. The SH in this movie is more physical, witty, endearing, whimsical, adorable and funny. Jude Law as Watson, is supposed to be SH sidekick and he appears to be anything but. His role really stands out due to his exceptional performance and it was exhilarating to watch the dynamic duo of Watson and SH. His relationship with Holmes in this movie is more personal and almost brotherly which is a nice touch by Director Guy Ritchie.
There is never a dull moment in the movie, it starts off with SH pursuing Lord Blackwood the man who is supposed to have murdered five women using black magic. He is then sentenced to death and his last wish is to see the man who put him behind bars. Lord Blackwood then asks Holmes to widen his gaze for the coming events are grave and unstoppable. The events that unfold after Lord Blackwood is hung will shock the viewer and manages to convince us that there is no logical explanation and that it is all the act of black magic. But Holmes is relentless and will not stop till he finds the answer to the mysterious events that are seemingly unsolvable. Rachel Mcadams as Irene is SH achilles heel, but her performance in the movie is adequate for lack of a better word. Her classic looks might make her perfect for the role, but the scope to shine I guess is limited. There are some absolutely rib ticking moments in the movie be it the innuendo by SH when he says " madam im a professional. listen to me, the key to my release lies beneath this pillow" ( you'll know why when you see the movie) or the smart repartee he shares with Watson from time to time. Inspector Lestrade from the police force is subject to a lot of ridicule from SH and rightly so i might add foe he looks like a bumbling idiot next to SH but you cannot help but laugh at RD Jr's sarcastic remarks. I really enjoyed the brotherly bond between Jude Law and RD Jr. in the movie because it is hilarious to see SH get jealous when Watson has a Girlfriend!! SH in this movie is a mad scientist, a nerd at heart so to speak and you will love every minute of his goofiness and it will make you want to clamor for more. Guy Ritchie does not disappoint, he even throws in a boxing match to make to movie all the more interesting. The movie keeps us guessing all the way to the end and manages to keep the doubt on our minds. What can we believe ? Is there no other explanation for this, except that this is a work of Lord Blackwood's Black magic or will SH find order from all the Chaos?
Sudish Kamat in his review for the movie 'Avatar' said " It is hard to find fault with GOD". Im sure he's gonna kick himself when he sees SH because this movie actually deserves such praise. A first- rate action packed movie that provides a near perfect example of how to redress an aging genre franchise for the masses. This movie is a treat for the body and mind, with its Dazzling action sequences, SH keen method of deduction, hilarious moments, amazing screenplay and sheer entertainment. It's a must watch for everyone, So what are you waiting for?